In 1857, Leo Tolstoy left Russia for the first time, travelling to Europe. This was in his wilder youth, long before War and Peace or Anna Karenina. Having arrived in Baden Baden, Germany, on 24 June 1857, within three days Tolstoy had lost all the money he had as well as some more he borrowed after he ran out the first time! The following is a letter to his older brother, Sergei Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
27 June 1857, Baden Baden
My beloved friend Sergei!
I’m ashamed to admit that in Baden I lost at roulette. I wanted to invent a story about why I might suddenly need some money, but I can’t lie — I got cleaned out.
I had about 700 roubles in silver and ended up literally penniless and even 50 roubles in debt to a stranger. I’m writing to Vasilii too, but please could you help me as much as you can. In any case I don’t need to explain what an unpleasant situation I’m in and ask you to do all you can to send me something as fast as possible.
L. Tolstoy.
P.S. If I’m alive and well then I’ll be home in autumn in a month and a half. I need to write a shameful letter to auntie too. Kiss her hand for me.